
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Incredible Vintage Ski Fashion

Here's a bunch of incredible pictures, mostly from the Pinterest board by Poppy Gall showing some of skiing's most incredible fashions of yesteryear...

Question: What's the collective noun for skiers?

Answer: An eyesore.  

When I grow up I want to be this man


3. When will they learn?

It seems that skiers are destined to repeat their mistakes forever. This is the US Olympic team's 2014 uniform by Ralph Lauren

The knitted tassel hat, the polo-neck Christmas jumper, the white calendar-themed tracksuit trousers, tucked into socks and finished off with some dandy little boots. WTF? Ralph Lauren must just hate skiers.

The freeskiers also have a competition uniform. Take a look at the first 15 seconds of this.

2. It was acceptable in the 70s

After Deeper and Further Jeremy Jones is taking things way too far in his next movie.

1. Hands down the best piece of ski fashion ever created

Expect a RuRoc version next season.

------ THE END ------

I was starting to feel pretty smug, until I scrolled down to the bottom of that Pinterest board and found this: