
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Top TENuous 7 - Snowboarder Gets Lamped & 9 Other Things

Also in this week's edition: Emergency arse wiping solution, Shaun White (again) & some resplendent moustaches...

10. Gif of The Week: You've got to love the ambition

9. Questionable Life Hack of The Week via 33 Mag

8. Awesome Costume of The Week

7. Obligatory Shaun White Entry - Shaun White appears in famous cartoon

The Simpsons Episode 491 - Shaun White: Time Snowboarder

The Simpsons Episode 492 - Shaun White: Snow Vampire

American Dad Episode 152

6. The Someone Needs To Do This In Snowboarding Soon, Idea of The Week via Cool Shit's Bullshit 

5. This Man

4. This Man

3. Classic Snowboard Advert of The Week via

2. Radical Islam

1. Excellent First Entry to The Extreme Pie Chart Competition 

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Previously on Top TENuous