Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mayrhofen - Full of Cocks and Wankers

Just got back from a week in Mayrhofen. It snowed a hell of a lot which kept me very busy, destroyed my thighs and sidetracked me from collecting enough crap for a full blog post. That aside, here are the top 5 things we did find this time...

1. Don't drink the bottled water

2. The kids on this year's lift tickets were running around with cat o' nine tails whips

3. I didn't fancy trying this out either 

4. Talking of dicks (because that's what 60% of this article has turned out to be), this was adorning the wall of the local hostelry

And finally...

5. Austria is absolutely chock-full of Wankers

Photo povided by external correspondent elsewhere in Austria

I spotted another truck with Wanker on the side but wasn't swift enough with the camera. It turns out that most of the world's Wankers can be found in the Tyrol.

For example this is Austrian curling and moustache legend Werner Wanker.

And just down the road from Mayrhofen you can stay in the Guesthouse Wanker

I bet they get through van-loads of tissues there

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